Noah's vision is to reinvent a living and sustainable world, where biodiversity and humanity live in harmony. Its mission is thus to safeguard and restore biodiversity, for the well-being of all living species, including humans.


1) SAVE ENDANGERED SPECIES The extinction of a living species on the planet is irreversible. When a species becomes extinct, it is the proper functioning of the web of life that is disrupted. No living species should become extinct because of human activities. It is our common responsibility to future generations.

2) PROTECT NATURAL AREAS The global network of protected areas, sanctuaries of biodiversity, is essential to maintaining our natural heritage and productive ecosystems. Developing this network and managing these natural spaces over the long term, by involving the local communities who depend on them, is essential to safeguard the remarkable biodiversity. It is also a strong act of international solidarity.

3) RESTORING ORDINARY BIODIVERSITY By destroying and simplifying natural environments and ordinary biodiversity, man has greatly altered the proper functioning of ecosystems and their ability to provide ecological goods and services essential to humanity. It is now imperative to restore nature and its ecological functions.

4) RECONNECT MAN WITH NATURE Having become predominantly urban, Man has lost contact with nature. However, it is a source of vitality, well-being and quality of life. Getting to know nature is essential in order to better protect it and change our behavior.

5) REINVENTING A SOCIETY FAVORING BIODIVERSITY A drastic change in our production and consumption methods is essential to save biodiversity. This requires supporting all the actors involved in the economy (civil society, local communities, businesses) and developing natural sectors and economic models favorable to biodiversity.