“DIKWE NI WEOGO” Support project for improving the natural capital of the PONASI landscape and increasing the resilience of neighboring communities.

StartEndCost of the actionRole in the action
october 2019 september 2022 1 660 000 € Coordination


Main goals

Reduce the vulnerability of the complex, support the improvement of the natural capital of the complex and increase the resilience of neighboring communities.

Specific objectives

  • Strengthen the security of targeted Protected Areas, surveillance, anti-poaching and law enforcement through long-term mechanisms and involving local populations
  • Promote and strengthen local economic initiatives that respect the environment to improve the livelihoods and income of the populations living near the PONASI complex
  • Support the revitalization and operationalization of the PONASI landscape co-governance system as an integrated decision-making platform (joint between the DGEF, OFINAP, DREEVCC, DREP, representatives of communities and private operators).


Riparian communities that live directly or indirectly on resources derived from ecosystem services in the complex or its periphery. They benefit from the stability provided by the security of the complex. The training and know-how of the project thus make it possible to create a framework more favorable to development and investment and to improve the local economy resulting from good governance of natural resources. The State is also a derivative beneficiary since the project supports its management actions and induces increased stability in the region.


A1. Securing and surveillance of targeted Protected Areas

  • Intensification of surveillance, protection and anti-poaching war in the protected areas of the PONASI complex
  • Development of methods for monitoring wildlife populations and monitoring the environment by aerial systems (microlights and drones)
  • Community awareness and mobilization around conservation and security issues on the outskirts of the PONASI complex and establishment of an intelligence system
  • Legal follow-up as part of the anti-poaching fight against traffickers

A2. Inclusion of local populations and promotion of natural resource development models

  • Training on good agricultural practices
  • Support for the rice sector
  • Support for the structuring of the livestock sector

A3. Animation and consultation

  • Organization and animation of a consultation framework for local authorities and peripheral consular chambers.


R1. The perimeter of the PONASI Ecological Complex is protected and secured thanks to the strengthening of the surveillance and anti-poaching system.

R2. The populations, including transhumant pastoralists, are involved in the integrated management of natural resources and derive sustainable benefits from it: sectoral approaches (wood, shea butter, hunting, ecotourism), secure community development and strengthening of the population's management and production capacities and their sector associations.
R3. An integrated platform to stimulate efficient management is operational. This co-governance mechanism makes it possible to harmonize the management jurisdictions of the various units and corridors of the complex with a developed master plan. It is based on a framework for consultation between local authorities and peripheral consular chambers of PONASI. A reflection aiming at a unified governance or a delegation of governance of the whole complex with possibilities for the development of Public Private Partnerships is triggered during these multi-stakeholder meetings. Local natural resource management plans are drawn up (or updated) for 4 priority municipalities, including their financing plans.